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Our Work

Programs and Services


LCS empowers community members to be actively involved in managing or self-caring for chronic conditions. LCS provides access to patient education, and advocacy for lifestyle changes, and supports individuals to develop the skills needed for the effective management and control of chronic diseases.


Mammogram and Pap Smear Referral Program

LCS refers women for annual free mammograms. LCS screens women to verify their eligibility and refer them to Reach Out for Life which provides access to complete free breast health services for women who are lower income and underinsured. LCS makes follow-up calls to verify if women have booked the appointment and post-

Dissemination of Information and Community Resources

LCS has a 30-minute segment on the radio station Radio Poder 1380 occurring every other week. The segment mainly focuses on health topics that impact the Hispanic community in Central Virginia. During this segment, LCS discusses prevention measures as well as informs listeners about local community resources available, including upcoming Latino festivals, food assistance, and distribution events, health and job fairs, and free clinics. Also, community members, like owners of local businesses that serve the Hispanic community, are interviewed. The radio segment started in June 2016 and was sponsored by the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA).

Vaccination Advocacy Program

LCS works as a bridge between the community and the Virginia Department of Health to increase the number of children and adults accessing influenza and Covid-19 vaccines. Currently, this program is funded by the CDC. Our CHWs attend community events and health fairs with the goal of identifying those who need to be vaccinated and making appropriate referrals to VDH immunization clinics and disseminating of educational materials.

Collaborations and Partners

Current Collaborations

La Casa de la Salud is honored to collaborate with a wide network of partners.

The Richmond Memorial Health Foundation was LCS’s first supporter. It provided fund through a grant. RMHF is still a committed supporter of LCS’ mission and efforts.

LCS began its collaboration with the Virginia Department of Health in 2015 to create awareness about public health programs to prevent chronic diseases in the Hispanic Community. This partnership makes it possible for LCS to be present at workshops, health fairs, and diverse events for the Hispanic Community.

Since 2018, LCS has worked with Daily Planet on multiple initiatives including COVID-19 vaccination clinics, referrals to primary care services, and providing interpretation and culturally appropriate assistance. LCS is also working on referring men for the early detection of colorectal cancer.  

Since 2016 the group of health promoters has participated in events at St. Augustine’s Church conducting blood pressure screenings and referring those in need to low-cost clinics. They also provide healthy lifestyle advice and distribute educational material.

LCS refers individuals with urgent oral health needs to VCU School of Dentistry which offers comprehensive dental care. They provide services for urgent, general, and specialized dentistry including pediatric, orthodontic, root canals, and oral surgery.

LCS works in collaboration with Massey Cancer Center and the Daily Planet on the screening and early detection of colorectal cancer. LCS supports a research project for the identification, adaptation, and implementation of an evidence-based intervention targeting systemic barriers to colorectal cancer.

LCS has partnered with AHA since 2015 to raise awareness about hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and other heart conditions by conducting screenings, distributing printed AHS Spanish educational pamphlets, and referrals to appropriate health services. During our joint actions, LCS conducted demonstrations of a variety of nutritious foods and facilitated educational sessions that allow people to develop a healthy eating plan while maintaining calorie requirements and personal and cultural food preferences.

In 2021, La Casa de la Salud signed a collaborative agreement with the VCU Department of Health Behavior and Policy to screen Latina women at high risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer who are eligible to enroll in a clinical trial to enhance the uptake of genetic counseling and testing. 

Past Collaborations

Pilot Program for a Healthy Latino Community

This pilot project was launched with the Daily Planet Clinic, the American Heart Association, and the Sacred Heart Center with the objectives of 1) facilitating access to health services, 2) following up on those referred for high blood pressure or some other health high-risk issues, and 3) educating of Hispanic families with health information and skills for the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. 

The strategy consisted of training 5 health promoters to facilitate access to health services and conducting educational workshops on the preparation of healthy recipes and foods and creating a Zumba group as physical activity. As a result, 418 blood pressure measurements were taken and 107 were referred to the Daily Planet clinic. Another 15 people were referred for other reasons. For the healthy lifestyle component, 109 surveys focused on physical activity and nutrition were carried out. Subsequently, 5 workshops for the preparation of healthy food recipes and 5 Zumba activities were implemented during the pilot project for a total of 63 participants.

Ventanilla de la Salud with the Consulate of Mexico

The Consulate of Mexico provides its consular services through mobile consulate units to the Mexican population in several cities in Virginia and the United States. La Ventanilla de Salud is a service of the consulate that disseminates information about preventive services and referrals to free or low-cost clinics in the Washington DC area. For several years, when visiting the City of Richmond and Petersburg, LCS facilitated and coordinated these services in conjunction with other organizations.

The Petersburg Oral Health Engagement Project

LCS initially conducted a survey for research purposes on behalf of The Petersburg Wellness Consortium (PWC). The survey sought to learn more about people’s experiences with their oral health. The information obtained was used to 1) better understand oral health needs in Petersburg, and 2) identify opportunities to educate and raise awareness about the importance of oral health as part of overall health and wellness. Subsequently, LCS carried out educational interventions and facilitate access to dental services at a low cost.

Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences

LCS and the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences of Virginia Commonwealth University worked in collaboration so that students of Community Health Education, Health Sciences, and Physical Exercise Sciences had the opportunity to acquire the necessary clinical experience, as well as clinical education, as established in the curriculum.

Crater Health District’s (VDH)

LCS received financial resources to improve the Crater Health District’s response capacity in its mission of promoting education and awareness in the Latino community about the prevention of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. LCS developed mechanisms for the identification of chronic diseases in the community and referrals to the different health services and other resources in the Petersburg area.

Program of Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers are members of the community who help LCS provide basic preventive health care through preventative, promotional, and rehabilitation information. Since 2016, the group of health promoters has participated in events at the Church of San Agustin taking blood pressure, and referring those who need access to low-cost clinics. They also provide advice on a healthy lifestyle and distribute educational material.


Nos enfocamos en alinear las prioridades del sistema de salud con las necesidades de la comunidad latina

Explora todos los proyectos y logros de La Casa de la Salud.


La Casa De La Salud fue creada en 2014 como resultado de un estudio piloto en The Department of epidemiology and Public Health en Virginia Commonwealth University basado en las necesidades de la comunidad Hispana. Fue lanzada en la ciudad de Petersburg Virginia como una iniciativa para eliminar barreras en el acceso a informacion, servicios y programas de salud. En el mismo año se convirtio en organizacion sin animo de lucro conformada por un equipo multidisciplinario para alinear nuestros programas con las politicas del sistema de salud y mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad Hispana.


Nuestra misión es contribuir al mejoramiento de la salud y bienestar de la comunidad Hispana a través de un modelo que permite promover estilos de vida saludable y facilita el acceso a servicios de salud y otros recursos.


LCS promueve acciones en alianza con líderes y promotores de salud en coordinacion con otras organizaciones y agencias para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad.