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Midlothian, 23112

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About us

Our history

La Casa De La Salud (LCS) was created in 2014 as a result of a pilot study to explore the needs of the Hispanic community that was a capstone project completed at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Virginia Commonwealth University. LCS was launched in the city of Petersburg, Virginia as an initiative to eliminate barriers to accessing health information, health services, and prevention programs. In the same year, it became a non-profit organization formed by a multidisciplinary team to align community health priorities with existing local and state health system policies and with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of the Hispanic community.

Our Strategy

LCS is involved in prevention efforts in partnership with health leaders and community health workers and in coordination with other organizations and agencies to meet the needs of our community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of the health and well-being of the Hispanic community through a holistic model that promotes healthy lifestyles and facilitates access to health services and other resources.

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster an ongoing health education movement that inspires and empowers Hispanics to take control of their health and lead a better, healthier, and longer life.

Community Health Workers

La Casa de la Salud relies on community health workers (CHWs) to achieve our mission and to engage with the community through various programs and services. Our team of CHWs is composed of individuals from different Latin American countries representing the diversity of our community. Our team of CHWs effectively communicate with our community members in their own language including indigenous languages and have strong ties to our culture, traditions, beliefs, and values. A total of 30 CHWs are actively working in different programs and services.

Meet Our Founder and Director

Antonio M. Villa Payares MD, MPH

LCS Executive Director & Founder

Adjunct Professor Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences Virginia Commonwealth University Advisory Council on Health Disparity and Health Equity (ACHDHE) Virginia Department of Health (VDH)

Gina Hernandez

Programs Coordinator

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors oversees La Casa de la Salud’s strategies, activities, and focuses on guiding the implementation of LCS’ mission in all aspects of helping the community.

Chris Parks

Senior Loan Officer. Sales Manager Mc Lean Mortgage Corporation.

Joan Richardson, PhD

Department Chair and Associate Professor VCU Globe Faculty Fellow

Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Virginia Commonwealth University

Peter Prizzio, M.ed.

Former FQCC Chief Executive Officer

The Daily Planet

Carlin Rafie, PhD

Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Alberto Torres

Taxpayer advocate service Richmond. 

Community Leader

Nos enfocamos en alinear las prioridades del sistema de salud con las necesidades de la comunidad latina

Explora todos los proyectos y logros de La Casa de la Salud.


Promovemos el acceso a los servicios de salud y sociales, a través de miembros con un conocimiento profundo de la comunidad a la que sirven, quienes son el enlace entre las personas y los prestadores de servicios.


Cooperamos con otras organizaciones más allá del área de la salud, contribuyendo a satisfacer muchas de las necesidades de la comunidad latina en nuestro estado.


Estructuramos programas permanentes basados en los lineamientos nacionales de prevención y manejo de enfermedades crónicas para abordar estas problemáticas de manera holística en nuestra comunidad latina.


La Casa De La Salud fue creada en 2014 como resultado de un estudio piloto en The Department of epidemiology and Public Health en Virginia Commonwealth University basado en las necesidades de la comunidad Hispana. Fue lanzada en la ciudad de Petersburg Virginia como una iniciativa para eliminar barreras en el acceso a informacion, servicios y programas de salud. En el mismo año se convirtio en organizacion sin animo de lucro conformada por un equipo multidisciplinario para alinear nuestros programas con las politicas del sistema de salud y mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad Hispana.


Nuestra misión es contribuir al mejoramiento de la salud y bienestar de la comunidad Hispana a través de un modelo que permite promover estilos de vida saludable y facilita el acceso a servicios de salud y otros recursos.


LCS promueve acciones en alianza con líderes y promotores de salud en coordinacion con otras organizaciones y agencias para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad.